ACRL-VWIG & ALA Virtual Communities in Libraries Program
April 17, 2016
CVL Auditorium in Second Life 12:00pm SLT
Pat Franks of San Jose State University presents
A preview of
"The 7th Annual VCARA Library Conference 2016"

Dr. Patricia C. Franks is the Program Coordinator for the Master's Degree in Archives and Records Administration at San Jose State University. Her work in virtual worlds has resulted in the creation of the Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) on the iSchool Island which is one part of San Jose State University's iSchool Island site within Second Life. She met with the ACRL-VWIG to talk about VCARA and its' involvement in the conference.
April 17, 2016
Pat Franks of San Jose State University presents

Dr. Patricia C. Franks is the Program Coordinator for the Master's Degree in Archives and Records Administration at San Jose State University. Her work in virtual worlds has resulted in the creation of the Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) on the iSchool Island which is one part of San Jose State University's iSchool Island site within Second Life. She met with the ACRL-VWIG to talk about VCARA and its' involvement in the conference.
Dr. Franks helped to create VCARA to counter the sense of isolation she perceived in online instruction. The goals of VCARA include providing space for faculty and students in online courses a place where they can meet and interact. Students are at the heart of VCARA and it exists in part to counter this sense of isolation. It provides classroom and open spaces for presentations as a way for them to do professional networking and showcase their work.
Online classes have been taught there since 2013. VCARA serves as a space for students to do presentations on virtual worlds, museums and immersive learning. The center sponsors guest speakers, virtual colloquia and virtual fieldtrips to supplement course work.